Capital Photography Center | Photography Classes in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia and Online

5 Tips For Festive Holiday Photos

December 19, 2024 by Marie Joabar

As you prepare to take photos this holiday season, consider some of these tips to add a little creativity in your shots.

1. Play With Perspective

Look for unique angles and points of view when taking photos to add visual interest. Get low to the ground, shoot from a balcony, try framing through branches or holiday decorations. Experiment with angles people don’t usually see.

2. Capture Candid Moments 

Try to take lots of candid shots to get natural expressions and unposed interactions. Capture the delight when opening gifts, laughter over holiday meals, a private glance shared between loved ones. These real moments tell the story of the holidays.

3. Highlight Holiday Atmosphere

Use lighting, textures, and smaller details to showcase the holiday atmosphere. Capture sparkling decorations with lens flares, the flicker of candlelight on faces, the fuzz on a festive sweater. Get up close with food, drinks, flushed cold cheeks.

4. Frame with Foreground  

Use holiday decorations or natural features in the foreground to frame backgrounds creatively. Shoot through branches, a garland or lights with loved ones in the distance to add depth and context. Create layers through thoughtful composition. 

5. Isolate Color Schemes

Purposefully frame shots to isolate one or two colors for dramatic, graphic shots. Zero in on just red and green elements from a blue background, or capture a nighttime scene using light golds and rich blacks. Stylize with selective color.

The key is to wander around during holiday outings and gatherings with an eye for special moments, details and seasonal ambiance to tell the visual story of season and time spent with loved ones. Moving around allows you to capture a good variety.

Wishing you and yours a happy and festive Holiday Season!