Capital Photography Center | Photography Classes in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia and Online

8 Ideas To Capture Everyday Holiday Moments

December 15, 2022 by Marie Joabar

There’s no doubt this is a busy time of year. Despite that, we should still carve out time for our photography, even if it is just around our home. Here are a few suggestions to make some meaningful holiday photos without a lot of stress, complication or making a big time commitment.

1. Consider 2 important tips;

 - Try to always have your camera handy. Leave it out and accessible, someplace (safe) that you can simply grab it and shoot with it. Having it in a camera case in a closet will not give you the spontaneity that having it within reach through out the day will.
 - The simple things are just as worthy and fun to capture as the more elaborate scenes or gatherings.

2. Celebrate even the everyday happenings.

In the kitchen, have fun photographing your baking, the countertop covered with ingredients as you prepare your holiday cookies, a steaming casserole, a hearty soup or a mug of hot cocoa.  

3. Around the house

Capture the tree trimmings before they’re put up on the tree, the wrapping paper, scissors and bows before the gifts are wrapped, stuffed shopping bags as you come in from your holiday shopping, lit candles on your dinner table, the poinsettia leaves up close, you get the idea.  

4. Think outside the box and get creative in how you frame your shots.

Fill the frame, get close, shoot from many different angles, blur the background then blur the foreground. Try a few slow exposures of the holiday lights or a colorful decoration.

5. Snap candid photos of family members.

Sometime those can be more meaningful than the posed shot or posed group shots. Frame your child looking at the tree or goofing around with a friend or sibling, or a parent or relative quietly sitting reading.  

6. Are there pets that can be framed with holiday décor in the background?

7. Look for colorful or festive decorations in your neighborhood.

Take a leisurely stroll with your camera to capture them.  After a rain, look for the holiday scenes with reflections for double the color.

8. The point is to celebrate both your photography and the holidays, look for ways to enjoy both!

We don’t necessarily need to go somewhere or make an elaborate setup to capture the season, seek out the many opportunities right in front of you in your home and your neighborhood.
Keep it simple, fun  and stress free.

Wishing you and your families a beautiful holiday season filled with images to be treasured now and thru the years.