We've officially hit the halfway mark of the year and it's time to take a moment to reflect on those fantastic New Year's resolutions and goals you set back in January. Remember the excitement and determination that fueled you when you made those commitments? Well, now's the perfect time to check in and assess your progress.
Don't worry if you're not exactly where you want to be just yet. Think of this halfway point as an opportunity to hit the reset button, to revitalize your motivation and get back on track! So, grab a pen and paper, or open up your favorite goal-tracking app, and come up with a game plan.
Here are a few tips for renewed commitment:
Revisit your original goals and reward yourself for those that you accomplished.
- With the rest, break them down into smaller, actionable tasks and create a roadmap to get you where you want to be at the end the year.
- Plan tasks either weekly or monthly, or perhaps seasonal like summer, fall, winter.
- Consider an accountability friend, someone that knows your goals and that you will be accountable to.
- As you turn the page on the calendar each month, grab your list and see how you’re doing.
- Create a reward each time you accomplish one of your goals. It could be a purchase of something special for yourself, or as simple as an ice cream treat.
Goals to help you take your photography to the next level.
Commit to getting out and photographing X number of times a week or month.
- Practice a new technique
- Organize your images and cull the ones that need deleting
- Check or create an image backup plan
- Make a complete list of your gear, as long as you’re going thru it, you could reorganize and clean it too.
- Find ways to share your images, either thru social sites, a website or photo sharing sites.
- Get some of your images printed and framed.
- Visit photo shows, art galleries or online photo sites for inspiration and to develop your eye.
- Help another photographer learn if you can.
Remember, it's never too late to restart, you can make it happen! Surround yourself with positivity and support and make the next six months count! You've got this!